【MAISON INDIGO® 梅森 藍染 - 概念牛仔寵物】



Blue Beach Denim一向為顧客準備高質量、舒適而耐用,且會隨時間越發美麗的品牌設計,我們同時極力推崇具有永續性的品牌理念。

兩年前老闆Sven在網路上就略有耳聞,而去年四月,老闆前往歐洲牛仔首都荷蘭參與阿姆斯特丹丹寧日的藍印展上,初次見到這個獨特的品牌,觸摸過梅森的 ”布偶” 實體後令人印象更為深刻。



MAISON INDIGO由米里安 曼斯(Myriam Mense)於2010年荷蘭成立,米里安過往在運動及時尚業有過二十年的歷練,曾任於Nike和Esprit設計師。
創辦人的品牌中心抱持設計出低碳足跡且以丹寧(牛仔布) 為單一設計素材的商品。

MAISON INDIGO使用廢棄與工廠過剩的丹寧布料設計出一系列獨特的物件、配件與居家用品,丹寧有著少數布匹的特質,不像其它越用越不堪的布料類別,丹寧將隨使用增色,除了丹寧本質上極為耐用外,它會隨時間變得柔軟、獲得原本沒有的特色及性格。

透過重複利用丹寧布料的過程,得以延長丹寧的生命周期與前段提及的各項優點,同時避免使用新的原料生產製品。針對這點,MAISON INDIGO特別投注心力在回收布料的選擇,所有產品上看到的每一塊丹寧拼布都是人工挑選並做專業清潔,由荷蘭當地合作的身障人士縫製而成。這些種種組成了MAISON INDIGO的品牌價值,米里安也用成品展現了手工創造產品的樂趣與獨特性。

MAISON INDIGO擁抱世事的瑕疵,找出不勻稱事物中的美好,並在出其不意的地方獲得設計靈感,米里安現階段的目標是擄獲少數促成改變之人的愛心而不譁眾取寵。


更多牛仔動物可以在台北 / 高雄概念門市找到


Blue Beach Denim 台北 / 高雄



[About the brand]
Big footed denimals with a small footprint
MAISON INDIGO was founded in the Netherlands in 2010 by Myriam Mense. With over 20 years of experience in the sports & fashion industry for companies as Nike and Esprit she felt the urge to create designs with a small carbon footprint focusing on denim and denim only. 

[For the love of denim]
MAISON INDIGO brings a unique collection of objects, accessories and home decoration made of denim waste or dead stock. Denim is one of those rare fabrics that gain beauty over time. Besides being extremely strong as a base material, denim becomes softer when time passes, obtaining more character with use. By re-using denim all these lovely qualities are given a much longer life cycle without developing new raw materials.The denim used for MAISON INDIGO products is carefully handpicked and professionally cleaned before processing. All products are handmade in the Netherlands by people with disabilities. This distinctive part of the development process is of great value. We are convinced the joy of creation is visible in our finished products and adds character.
MAISON INDIGO embraces the awkward, finds beauty in the disproportioned and inspiration in the unexpected. We head for the hearts of the few rather than the minds of the masses.

It is important to know that all items will be unique and because the production is not in a low wage country but in the Netherlands made by people with disabilities in sheltered workshops these items have a complete different selling price then items made in lower wage countries. I decided to keep the production in the Netherlands because I wanted to keep the exclusive character and be able to control the production and to restrict the carbon footprint as mentioned above.



【牛仔百科】常見成衣水洗 - 辭典總匯

【丹寧辭典】布料磅數 - 牛仔布盎司(OZ)介紹

【牛仔百科】Denim 丹寧布的原料及製程