【養褲分享】高雄人誌軒的Naked and Famous鋼鐵復古藍牛仔外套,兩年操破分享

品牌:Naked and Famous 布料:鋼鐵藍 / 古藍色 / 復古藍 9盎司 白耳布邊布 購入時間:2018年3月 Brand: Naked and Famous Fabric: 9oz Antique / Steel/ Vintage blue selvedge Starting Date: March of 2018 Owner: Mr Xu, worn for 2 years This pair came in for a repair on the front elbow and we have the chance to took the photos for him. Q. 簡單介紹一下你的居住區域跟行業 誌軒, "高雄,服務業" Q. Sven, Tell me your living area and what trade are you in? Mr Xu, "Kao Hsiung, I work in service industries." Q. 沒想到9oz也可以變這麼好看,第一題肯定是要問問你到底怎麼穿的?怎麼洗的?我猜洗了無數次吧哈哈 誌軒, "買的哪段時間,剛好高雄的天氣很不穩定,一下出太陽,一下下雨,所以常常淋濕,濕了就拿去曬乾,久了就變成這樣。" "上班有穿著工作嗎?還是純粹做通勤遮陽等用途" 誌軒, "上班通勤出門都會穿著。" 內心OS (跟上一屆養褲大賽冠軍之一鮪魚的襯衫好像很像) Q. Sven, Can't imagine how a light weight denim can be faded so amazingly. What's your secret? Mr Xu, " It's not a big deal. During the breaking-in period after the purchase. The local weather became quite unstable with random drizzle or pouring rainy days. So it got soaked every now and then. When it did, I just hang it dry and thi...